Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Here is a video....

Here is a video on Lon Winters of GraphicElephants.com on where to find cool art:


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Exciting News from GraphicElephants.com

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GraphicElephants.com announces the roll out of a new set of consulting products.  On-line, office and phone consultation memberships.  The official roll out will begin at the NBM Printwear Show in Dallas this week, starting May 10th.  Memberships are also available via the new on-line store on the web site.


The Gold Membership awards the client up to 6 hours of office consultation for a one year period.  The introductory retainer rate is $500 (Regularly $1,000).  That puts the expertise, experience, and network power of GraphicElephants.com in your back pocket any time for a year.  


The Silver membership is $250 (Normally $500) for up to 2 hours.


Both memberships come with a gold or silver plaque suitable for display proudly in the office.


“We have several companies opting to start with a membership and then later going for an on site consultation,”  said Lon Winters, President of Print This, Inc. GraphicElephants.com, the product really fills a need for potential customers who hesitate to spend several thousand dollars for us to visit, but know they could benefit from our services.  Membership has it’s privileges.  It provides a bit of a safety net for garment decorators - someone to reach out to in an emergency, special project or just some help in general.”


The Gold Membership is transferable to an on site visit as well.


GraphicElephants.com also is pleased to present it’s new on line store.  In will go live this week.  You can access the store via the website or by clicking on this direct link. http://graphicelephants-com.myshopify.com


Show specials available at the NBM Printwear Show in Dallas will also be reflected in the store and include a new coop version of the Artwork Simplified Books for both Adobe and Corel for up to CS5 and X5 with some extras, and of course our educational and technical training videos and the latest 60 Second Shirt, all at significant show discounts.  Reduced rates available on consulting also available durring the show.